The service uptime for every single hosting account is of essential importance. If you use a server which has chronic problems and your website is not online for long periods of time, it is more likely that site visitors will not return. If you have an online store, for instance, this would mean lost clients smaller revenue. Your websites can even get penalized by search engines like google with lower rankings no matter how good their content is. To avoid this type of scenario, always make certain that the hosting service you receive is stable. By doing this, the success of your internet site will depend only on its content and your advertising and marketing campaigns and won't be affected by hosting-related issues that you have got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Hosting

All our hosting solutions feature a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. We can achieve that by using a cutting-edge cloud hosting platform in which each service (files, emails, databases, and so on.) has its own set of web servers. We do not run everything on a single machine as most providers do, so we have pretty much eliminated the downtime of any service and even in peak times we can balance the load between servers for the greatest possible performance of your websites. If one web server fails, the other ones within the cluster will take over in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the web sites. To protect yourself from infrastructural problems, our web server facilities use effective diesel backup generators and several independent Internet providers as to make certain that website visitors will be able to reach your sites no matter what. We also have a crew of knowledgeable professionals monitoring the servers 24/7/365.