Using emails with your own personal domain name is far more handy plus it'll give you more credibility as a business in case you keep in touch with business partners. Such an e-mail address also looks far better in case some visitor on your website contacts you via a reviews form and you would like to answer. How quick it is to manage your e-mail correspondence is sometimes as vital as the quality of the service, considering that some web hosting Control Panels make it quite difficult and time-consuming to do uncomplicated duties like providing anti-spam protection or forwarding your email messages. Which is why, you should choose an e-mail service that will permit you to access everything easily and quickly and that will make the management of your e-mails fast and easy.

Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting

The e-mail service, that is a part of our hosting packages, is handled with a feature-rich Email Manager tool where you can access virtually everything you'll need regarding your e-mail accounts. The instrument is a part of our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel and we've created it with the concept to offer as many features as possible by using an intuitive interface. You can see all of the mailboxes that you've made in alphabetical order and with a glance you will be able to see whether they're forwarded, whether they are catch-up or if they have functioning anti-spam protection. Changing any of these features requires just a couple of clicks. By right-clicking on each mailbox, you'll be able to access context menus with more complex attributes like SPF protection. Our Email Manager also allows you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for popular mail apps like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail.